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by Thomas Reiner, ©2024

(Apr. 29, 2024) — “China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man.” “I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.” –Joe Biden in 2019

Biden easily downplays the growing threat of China because Biden, his family and associates have received more than $8 million from his Chinese “friends.”  It is reminiscent of an envelope-passing scene from “The Sopranos.”  If compromised JoJo steps out of line, then it is virtually certain that President Xi Jinping will “spill the beans” on Biden of their mutual collaboration. “You step out of line, the man come and take you away,” warned the Buffalo Springfield. This would be blackmail that can no longer be covered up by the Democrats and their Empire Of PropagandaTM constantly regurgitated by the MSM. The result is that Presidentish Biden is merely nothing but a Mini-Xi, a smallish clone of his Chinese master, President Xi Jinping. Think Mini-Me from the Austin Powers movies.

Mini-Xi does his master’s bidding.  Consider Mini-Xi’s misdoings.  Fentanyl, whose components are manufactured in China, are streaming unabated across our southern border murdering American youth.  More have already died from fentanyl poisoning than died in the entire Vietnam War.  Mini-Xi has the power to stop this flow but his silence is thundering.

Mini-Xi allowed a Chinese spy balloon to transit the entire United States, sometimes hovering over our sensitive military sites.  The balloon contained sophisticated eavesdropping equipment and used a US Internet provider to relay the information back to Beijing. An American intelligence assessment verified this as being true. The balloon entered Alaska airspace and was only shot down in the Atlantic after traversing the United States.  Mini-Xi did nothing as his master commanded.

Mini-Xi has allowed tens of thousands of Chinese operatives to penetrate our southern border.  China does not allow emigration without permission.  This is likely a future sabotage and military operation when things get toasty.  Mini-Xi blabbers while America will burn.

Mini-Xi is silent about Chinese extensive purchase of “farmlands” located adjacent to our sensitive military bases.  What could possibly go wrong?  Will there be poisoning of our food supply when Big-Xi Jinping orders it?

Mini-Xi is creating a bloodbath (Thank you, President Trump) of our American automobile industry with the forced elimination of gas and diesel vehicles in favor of EVs.  Any guesses who controls the EV battery market made with rare earth minerals stolen from America?  A big ring-a-ding-ding if you answered China.  What is far worse is that Mini-Xi is attacking capitalism with his communist edicts.  The marketplace and competition must decide when the time and technology is ready for such a conversion.  Don’t forget his proposed 44% tax on capital gains.

Mini-Xi is a stooge of China with his daily increasing dementia.  His batteries are draining daily.  Only you can stop Mini-Xi this November and halt his intentional destruction of America.

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024 11:45 AM


Unfortunately, with all this truth hitting us in the face, one more truth needs to be addressed. It is that of the Republican team players at all levels who remain silent while we enter the abyss. One has to wonder what’s in it for them to see this nation destroyed. Perhaps they think the abyss won’t swallow them. I’ve got news for them. In the end, they too will join the demons in hell proving that silence is NOT golden. Without a doubt, they’ll learn to scream then. Thanks, Tom for not staying quiet.

Reply to  Rose
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 12:13 AM

This is what is in it for the Republicans you mention. The Republicans and the Democrats did nothing in 2009 to stop the fraud Obama from being installed as America’s putative president. The Republicans did not want to be called racist by objecting to “America’s “Historic First Black President”, so they sat quietly and allowed America’s presidency to be given to enemies of America via the fraud Barack Hussein Obama. That is treason, huge treason which affects the entire World, and it can be punished by the death penalty and has no statute limitations. Both parties must protect Obama to protect themselves, and Trump as President represents the possibility of their treason being fully revealed and acted on. This means both the Republicans and the Democrats want anyone but Trump to win in 2024. It is also why the Democrats stole the 2020 election to put Obama’s former V.P. I n place as the putative president, and never Trump.  Both parties are protecting themselves from the treason they committed when they gave America’s government and her military to her enemies via Barack Hussein Obama… The actions and inaction of both parties since the day Obama was sworn-in reveal what I am saying as the truth. Give it some thought. The actions and inaction of both parties continue to reveal their attempts to cover-up The Obama Fraud and the treason involved. Hillary was not supposed to lose as the after Obama cover president…..and for sure never to Donald Trump…….There is no mystery here, just refusal to admit the truth as they continue to protect…themselves………..The Republicans silence reveals their guilt as part of giving America’s government and her military to her enemies……….crimes don’t get any more serious than this……..A crime apparently too big to prosecute is destroying America from inside just as it was meant to do…….Their mission is almost complete……………